Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A note from a teen

Today I thought it would be good to have one of our teens write the blog. Enjoy!

I still can’t believe we are in AFRICA! The trip over here was extremely long and exhausting, but definitely worth it. Let me start out by saying that Kenya, Africa is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been…but also one of the worst. There is such beautiful scenery and the people are wonderful, but the reality is that it IS a third world country, and a completely different lifestyle. There is so much poverty, it’s extremely dirty, and very crowded. The number of people in this small of an area is crazy. Everywhere you go you are surrounded by so many people. Most people here walk or ride bikes, but we have vans we take everywhere we go. The roads, however, are not ideal for the long rides we take. Also, the drivers are CRAZY! The roads are narrow, but each driver feels the need to be in the front at all times so there are cars constantly passing each other and coming way too close to the surrounding vehicles and people walking! Like Paul mentioned in a previous blog, we came across a wreck and that was a huge reality check for all of us. That entire day was very stressful, very draining, and just very tough. Since that day, everything has been great. We have been to 2 different orphanages so far and the kids are precious. Just seeing their smiles brings such joy to us. These kids have next to nothing but show pure happiness and are so thankful for the few things they do have. We came to be a blessing in their lives, but so far it has been an even trade. They have blessed us just as much!
The kids at the orphanages LOVE pictures. They do not have mirrors so they have never really seen themselves. When we show them the pictures of them on our cameras they just grin from ear to ear after they see what they look like. They also roll with laughter when Emily Brown and Leslie Doke smile, because they have never seen braces before. They just don’t understand the crazy idea of putting metal on teeth! They love playing with our hair, and they love playing with Bailey Free’s fake fingernails! It really is the small things that make them smile the most.
It is hilarious, but so neat to drive down the roads through these villages with our arms out the windows waving to the people outside. It just makes us smile as their faces light up, when they point and shout “Mzungu!” (mzungu means “white person” in Swahili) Although, some people look very confused. They don’t understand why 6 vans full of Mzungus would come to their community. They view us as very special, important people. The way they treat us and react to us has been very surprising. It struck us that we have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we are Americans. We just happen to be born there, but did nothing to deserve it. We are equal to everyone in Africa and all across the world. It’s incredible the things you realize when you are put in a different environment. Some things are even shocking, like the fact that the average income for someone to support a family here is around $2,000 a year. It really puts things into perspective when we think about our lives back home.
The experience so far has been absolutely incredible. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us the rest of the week! Thank you so much for the prayers, they are needed and greatly appreciated!
--Stephanie Guthrie


Blogger Melissa said...

A beautiful post Stephanie. I can see your heart come out through the words that you write. What a blessing that God is giving to all of you who are there. I pray that what you see will be in your hearts forever. It will make you a stronger person and more compassionate if that is possible. Already people knew what your heart was like but it is is in the heart where people see your compassion and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for all of you. Keep writing because it was really a blessing to come here today. Give that one with the braces a hug for me because I can just sit here and picture that smile on Miss Em. Blessings.

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Stephanie for the blog. You made me laugh and cry. Such emotion pouring through your words. I so wish I could be there with you all. Praying for you...
Much love,

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Susie D. said...

Stephanie, I didn't peek to see who was writing the comments but I could "see" what you were saying. Thanks! You did good, Girlfriend! GOD bless you all! Hugs and tugs, Me.

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Stephanie, what a terrific post! Girls are so much better at giving details than guys are (sorry Paul - you are phenomenal). I could just picture everything. I can tell this trip is going to be an unforgettable experience. Keep up the good work. We are praying for you! Our God is awesome!


Tell Chad I love him!!!

6:53 PM  
Blogger Diann said...

Stephanie thank you for sharing your experiences with us. It opens our eyes and helps us see what you are going through on a day to day basis.

You and the rest of the team are in my prayers. I am continuously asking for God's protection, guidance, and blessings.

I am so proud of each and everyone of you. You are giving of yourselves and asking and expecting nothing in return. That is what being God's servant is all about.

God Bless,

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Eryen said...

Great post, Stephanie. I read it and i just became so excited - i can see God is working through you guys and changing hearts and doing something really big in and through your group. My prayer is that this isn't just a cool experience for you guys in another country - but that it is life changing. That you will come back new people. I hope that is something you wrestle with the next week - how will you come back changed? What will be different? Just from that post I can tell that God has already started something huge with you guys and its only been a few days. I can't wait to continue to hear stories of your experiences over there. Be safe and i love you guys!

God Bless

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Sherry Peets said...

Stephanie, WOW! I am filled with joy to see that you are serving our God with such a willing heart! It encourages me to know that the work you are doing on the mission in Africa is strengthening your walk with the Lord! You kmow the PEETS family has and always will love you! Tell your parents hello from us. Give Nathan McGraw and Hannah Sharp a big hug from me. We are praying for continued blessings on your mission and a safe return. Love, Randy, Sherry, Heather, Hollye and Hannah Peets

3:03 PM  

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